Who We Are
Stagemasters provides and services sound, lighting, led video screens, scenes and equipment DJs: concerts, tours, festivals, electric music events, corporate events, private events, clubs and pubs. Today the company has equipment that meets the requirements for technical support of concerts worldwide from leading manufacturers such as: Adamson, Lab Gruppen, Avid, Yamaha, Shure, Sennheiser, MA Lighting, Clay Paky, Martin, Robe, SGM, ETC, Arri, MDG, Look Solutions, Concept Smoke, Eurotruss, Nivtec, Layher, Toucher, J & C Joel, Magic FX. With this technique, Stagemasters has the opportunity to offer products in the best halls, stadiums and locations across Europe. Austria, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Norway, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia.

Кои сме ние
Stagemasters осигурява, проектира и обслужва със звук, осветление, led екрани, сцени и диджей оборудване: концерти, турнета, фестивали, събития с електрoнна музика, корпоративни събития, частни събития, клубове и заведения. Днес компанията разполага с техника, която отговаря на изискванията за техническо обезпечаване на концерти в световен мащаб от водещи производители като Adamson, Lab Gruppen, Avid, Yamaha, Shure, Sennheiser, MA Lighting, Clay Paky, Martin, Robe, SGM, ETC, Arri, MDG, Look Solutions, Eurotruss, Nivtec, Layher, Tuchler, J&C Joel, Magic FX. Разполагайки с тази техника Stagemasters има възможност да осъществява продукции в най-добрите зали, стадиони и локации в цяла Европа. Вече има осъществени турнета и концерти в Австрия, Германия, Финландия, Швеция, Швейцария, Италия, Дания, Естония, Франция, Холандия, Белгия, Португалия, Норвегия, Унгария, Полша, Чехия, Словения, Сърбия, Румъния, България, Хърватска, Украйна, Гърция и Македония.
Management Team

Ivailo Ivanov
CEOStagemasters LTD

Krasimir Dimitrov
Projects ManagerSkills: Creates 3d Projects and Drawings, Autocad, Vectorworks, Wysiwyg
Experience: Film Production: Rise of an Empire, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Marco Polo, Concert Production: Moby, The Prodigy, Metallica, Sting, Luciano Pavarotti, Lenny Kravitz, Jeniffer López, Enrique Iglesias, Together,
Roisin Murphy and many more.

Tsvetoslav Yonov
Project & Event ManagerSkills: Production, Logistic, Organizer
Experience: Andre Rieu, Ara Malikia, Il Volo, National Ballet of Spain, Vola Open-Air Festival, Horizon Festival, Enrique Iglesias, David Garrett,
Spirit of Burgas

Gabriel Delev
PR & Marketing ManagerSkills: Marketing Solution of all type of events, PR
Experience: Creating EDM Events from 1999.
The founder of Stagemasters – Ivaylo Ivanov has begun his career by building his first amplifier in 1989, only at the age of 14. He was also successful in fulfilling numerous orders for low frequency amplifiers back then. Two years later, together with his father and partners, they created a company called Max Studio. At the end of 1991, the company became a leader in the production of sound-acoustic equipment on the Bulgarian market. Due to the major success in production of low-frequency amplifiers, mixing consoles and audio systems, the development of this technology is becoming a major part of the company’s future. Ten years later, Ivaylo Ivanov created the new company Stagemasters, which he manages and develops until today.
Създателят на компания Stagemasters е Ивайло Иванов. Той започва своята кариера като създава първият си усилвател през 1989г, едва на 14 годишна възраст, успехът му се потвърждава от нарастването на поръчки на ниско честотните усилватели. Две години по-късно заедно с баща си и партньори създават компания – Студио Макс. В края на 1991г. компанията се превръща в основен лидер в производството на звуко-акустична техника на българския пазар. Поради големия производствен успех на ниско-честотни усилватели, смесителни пултове и аудио системи, отдаването на техника се превръща в основна част от развитието на фирмата. Десет години по-късно Ивайло Иванов създава самостоятелно новата компания Stagemasters, която управлява и развива и до днес.

Crew Members
Stagemasters has a team of highly qualified specialists: sound engineers, lighting designers, media operators, video screen specialists & technicians, riggers and stage technicians. Our specialists guide all customers with advice and ensure that they receive the best professional service on the market. The mission of the company is to invest in practical trainings and seminars and in the professional development of the whole team. Our professionals attend trainings and events in countries all over Europe annually where sound engineers, lighting specialists and stage technicians build and enrich their knowledge of new technological innovations and systems. Some of them are: Adamson, D & B Audiotechnik, Meyer Sound, MA Lighting, Analog Way, Dedo Light, Arri. The company also hosts events on a local level such as Smaart, with special guests such as the famous Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dave Rat.
Stagemasters разполага с екипи от високо квалифицирани специалисти: звукови инжeнери, осветители, дизайнери на осветление, медия оператори, видео техници и специалисти, ригъри и сценични техници. Нашите специалисти ви насочват със съвети, проектиране и изпълнение и гарантират, че ще разполагате с най-добрите екипи от професионалисти и оборудване на ваше разположение. Мисия на компанията е инвестирането в практически обучения и семинари за професионалното развитието на целия екип, затова ежегодно се посещават страни от цяла Европа, където звукови инжeнери, осветителни специалисти и техници надграждат и обогатяват своите познания за новите технологични иновации и системи, на организирани обучения от фирми като: Adamson, D&B Audiotechnik, Meyer Sound, MA Lighting, Analog Way, Dedo Light, Arri. Също така и организира такива на локално ниво като Smaart със специален гост известния звуков инженер на Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dave Rat.

Ivailo Ivanov
Sound Engineer, FOH Engineer, MON EngineerSkills: BluePrint, Arey Calc, Smaart, Yamaha Mixers, Avid Mixers
Experience: Solar Summer Festival, Francofolies Festival, Together, Cypress Hill, Lubo Kirov, Vassil Petrov, Marco Carola, Parov Stelar, Rut Koleva, Upsurt and more.

Andrey Karl Andreev
Sound Engineer, FOH Engineer, MON EngineerSkills: Behringer X32, Xair18, Allen&Heath: iLive, GLD, Qu,Sq; Yamaha: PM5d, CL,QL,LS9,02R,01V; Avid- S6L, D-show, SC48, Pro Tools/Cubase/Ableton Live
Experience: Solar Summer Festival, Francofolies Festival, Together, Cypress Hill, Lubo Kirov, Vassil Petrov, Marco Carola, Parov Stelar, Ruth Koleva, Upsurt and more.

Andrey Tsanev
Sound Engineer, FOH Engineer, MON EngineerSkills: BluePrint, Arey Calc, Smaart, Yamaha Mixers, Avid Mixers
Experience: Solar Summer Festival, Francofolies Festival, Together, Cypress Hill, Lubo Kirov, Vassil Petrov, Kelis, Beloslava, Rick Ross, Ruth Koleva and more.

Ilian Radev
Sound TechnicianSkills: Sound Stage Management
Experience: Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Imany, Godsmack, Conjure, 365 Hip-Hop Awards, Lubo Kirov, Rock for People, Francofolies Festival, Vasil Petrov and more.

Krasimir Dimitrov
Stage & Light DesignerSkills: GrandMA 1& 2, Hog, Avolites
Experience: Film Production: Rise of an Empire, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Marco Polo, Concert Production: Moby, The Prodigy, Metallica, Sting, Luciano Pavarotti, Lenny Kravitz, Jeniffer López, Enrique Iglesias, Together,
Roisin Murphy and many more.

Bogdan Shishedjiev
Light DesignerSkills: Grand MA1&2, Avolites, Vectorworks, Capture
Experience: Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias, Massive Attack, Ciara, Rick Ross, Sabaton, Blind Guardian, Imany, Mariza, Godsmack, Lighting assistant for Enrique Eiglesias and more.

Aleksandar Todorov
Light Designers & VJSkills: Grand MA2, Avolites, Resolume Arena, Nova Star Led Studio
Experience: Massive Attack, Enrique Iglesias, Roisin Murphy, Solar Festival, Together
Buena Vista Social Club, Morchееba, Horizon Festival, Park Live Fest and more.

Danail Dimitrov
Light Designer & TechnicianSkills: Grand MA1&2
Experience: Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Sabaton, Blind Guardian, Imany, Mariza, The Cats, Zazz, Gipsy Kings and more.

Kristian Nikolov
Rigging & Construction Drawing DesignerSkills: AutoCAD, Vectorworks
Experience: Enrique Iglesias, Inna, Fashion Week, DJ Bobo, Nikolina Chakardakova, Lubo Kirov and more.

Nikolay Voynov
Light Designer & TechnicianSkills: Grand MA1&2, Capture, Light Jokey
Experience: Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Imany, Mariza, Godsmack, Conjure, 365 Hip-Hop Awards, Lubo Kirov, Rock for People, Francofolies Festival, Vasil Petrov and more.

Krasimir Lyubenov
Video & Lights TechnicianSkills: Resolume Arena, Nova Star Led Studio
Experience: Enrique Iglesias, Ricky Martin, INNA, Imany, Ara Malikian, Rock for People, Francofolies Festival and more.

Dimitar Ivanov
Lights TechnicianSkills: GrandMA 2, Capture
Experience: Halkidiki Adventure Festival, Jose Carreras, Francofolies Festival, Il Volo, Evanescence, Together.

Tzvetoslav Yonov
SupervisorSkills: Production, Logistic, Organizer
Experience: Andre Rieu, Ara Malikia, Il Volo, National Ballet of Spain, Vola Open-Air Festival, Horizon Festival, Enrique Iglesias, David Garrett,
Spirit of Burgas and more.

Emilia Ivanova
Ivan Ivanov
JurisconsultSkills: Contracts, Invoices, Payments

Antonio Chipev
Warehouse ManagerSkills: Photoshop ,3D Studio Max, Cameraman
Experience: Enrique Iglesias, DJ Bobo, Ara Malikian, Nikolina Chakardakova, Lubo Kirov and more.

Dimitar Ivanov
WarehouseSkills: Organisation
Experience: Halkidiki Adventure Festival, Jose Carreras.

Ivo Stoyanov
Sound TechnicianSkills: Sound, Rigging
Experience: Concerts, Corporative & Private Events

Lubomir Mladenov
DriverSkills: B & C Profesional Category
Experience: Massive Attack | Enrique Iglesias | Roisin Murphy | Solar Festival | Together
Buena Vista Social Club | Morchееba | Horizon Festival | Park Live Fest and more.

Dare To Join?
Careers at Stagemasters. You can be part of our team!If you want to apply, please send CV to: office@stagemasters.bg
Thank You!
Your events, our services and the dreamed technical team to a whole new level.
All these years, the company has gained huge experience from numerous events such as concerts, festivals and tours of international stars and great bulgarian performers including: Enrique Iglesias, Hulio Iglesias, Paco de Lucia, Buena Vista Social Club, Massive Attack, Groove Armada, Zaz, Imany, Parov Stelar, Morchieba, Jose Carreras, Andre Rieu, Postmodern Jukebox, Patricia Kaas, Sylvie Vartan, Mariza, Eva Mendes, Ara Malikian, Richard Clayderman, Il Volo, Vivaldiano, National Ballet of Spain, Glenn Miller Orchestra, Faith no More, Brayan Adams, Zucchero, Godsmack, Evanescence, Tarja Turunen, Blind Guardian, Accept, Sabaton, Hypocrisy, Kreator, Roisin Murphy, Public Enemy, House Of Pain, Cypress Hill, The Cats, Yellow Jackets, Saskia Laroo, Lenny White, Nigel Kennedy, Robben Ford, Ricky Martin, Goran Bregovic, The Chemical Brothers, Roger Sanchez, Armin Van Buren, Fatboy Slim, Richie Hawtin, Marco Carola, Chris Liebing, Fedde le Grand, Nicole Moudaber, Mark Knight, Loco Dice, Adam Beyer, Paco Osuna, Pan-Pot Jamie Jones Martin Ten Velden Umek Robert Dietz Viktor Calderon, Danny Tanaglia, Carlo Lio, Kosheen, Joseph Capriati, Skrillex, Dubfire, Sharam, Marco Bailey, Oliver Huntemann, Solardo, Detlef, Clapton, Stefano Noferini, Josh Butler, D-Formation, Latmun, Gabriel Del, Metody Hristov, Pavel Petrov, Set About Showcase , BG Radio, Vassil Petrov, Lubo Kirov, Orlin Pavlov, Duet Riton, Maria Ilieva, Nikolina Chakardukova, Francofolies Festival, Solar Festival, Metropolis, Airdance Electronic Music Festival, The Exclusive, Together, Halkidiki Adventure Music Festival, Sofia Fashion Week, MM Awards and many others.
През всичките тези години са осъществени редица продукции като концерти, фестивали, събития и турнета на международни звезди и големи български изпълнители, сред които: Enrique Iglesias, Hulio Iglesias, Paco de Lucia, Buena Vista Social Club, Massive Attack, Groove Armada, Zaz, Imany, Parov Stelar, Morchieba, Jose Carreras, Andre Rieu, Postmodern Jukebox, Patricia Kaas, Sylvie Vartan, Mariza, Eva Mendes, Ara Malikian, Richard Clayderman, Il Volo, Vivaldiano, National Ballet of Spain, Glenn Miller Orchestra, Faith no More, Brayan Adams, Zucchero, Godsmack, Evanescence, Tarja Turunen, Blind Guardian, Accept, Sabaton, Hypocrisy, Kreator, Roisin Murphy, Public Enemy, House Of Pain, Cypress Hill, The Cats, Yellow Jackets, Saskia Laroo, Lenny White, Nigel Kennedy, Robben Ford, Ricky Martin, Goran Bregovic, The Chemical Brothers, Roger Sanchez, Armin Van Buren, Fatboy Slim, Richie Hawtin, Marco Carola, Chris Liebing, Fedde le Grand, Nicole Moudaber, Mark Knight, Loco Dice, Adam Beyer, Paco Osuna, Pan-Pot Jamie Jones Martin Ten Velden Umek Robert Dietz Viktor Calderon, Danny Tanaglia, Carlo Lio, Kosheen, Joseph Capriati, Skrillex, Dubfire, Sharam, Marco Bailey, Oliver Huntemann, Solardo, Detlef, Clapton, Stefano Noferini, Josh Butler, D-Formation, Latmun, Gabriel Del, Metody Hristov, Pavel Petrov, Set About Showcase , BG Radio, Vassil Petrov, Lubo Kirov, Orlin Pavlov, Duet Riton, Maria Ilieva, Nikolina Chakardukova, Francofolies Festival, Solar Festival, Metropolis, Airdance Electronic Music Festival, The Exclusive, Together, Halkidiki Adventure Music Festival, Sofia Fashion Week, MM Awards и много други.
Stagemasters The Dream Team.
To date, at Stagemasters, we design and produce events on a local and international level. With thirty years of experience, a team of specialists and technicians, annual investments and innovative thinking, we are ready to meet the requirements of many of the world’s famous artists. We design and build stages, sound and lighting and host concerts, tours, festivals, events, clubs and pubs. Our mission is to continue updating and investing in equipment and training of the team to keep the company on a world level with technical support, professionalism and top-level on-site service. Our experienced and qualified staff offers you the best results within your budget. In this way, we want to strengthen our partnership with music promoters and create new ones.
Към днешна дата в Stagemasters проектираме и осъществяваме продукции на местно и международно ниво. С тридесет годишен опит, екипи от специалисти и техници, ежегодни инвестиции и иновативно мислене сме готови да покрием изискванията на много голяма част от световно известните изпълнители. Проектираме и изграждаме сцени, звук и осветление на множество: концерти, турнета, фестивали, събития, клубове и заведения. Мисията ни е да продължаваме да обновяваме и инвестираме в техника и обучения на екипа с което да подържаме нивото на компанията на световно ниво с техническо обезпечаване, екип от специлисти и безкомпромисно обслужване на терен. Нашият опитен и квалифициран персонал ви предлага най-добрите резултати в рамките на вашия бюджет. По този начин искаме да затвърдим партньорските си отношения с музикалните промоутъри и да създадем нови такива.